Why Public Speaking Matters for Directors and Leaders
Public Speaking is an essential skill for Directors and Senior Managers. Whether you are addressing your team, the board or major clients, the way you communicate has an enormous impact on success.
If you want to make strong connections, build your business and develop as a leader, becoming a proficient Public Speaker is a must. As The Speaking Director, I can help you achieve this goal.

Why effective public speaking is important for leaders
As well as being an experienced Director, I am a national award-winning Public Speaker and Storyteller. To show you why effective public speaking is so important for leaders, I am going to give you two scenarios…
Public Speaking Scenario 1
Imagine walking into a room full of strangers…. It is a networking event for your business. You see some very influential figures from your industry there. All of a sudden you feel a tap on your shoulder; it is an old colleague who has set up the event. She looks panicked. She says the keynote speaker has just cancelled; she needs someone to speak in ten minutes, she asks if you can step in. “No problem”, you answer, “piece of cake.”
Public Speaking Scenario 2
The Managing Director says, “We’ve got a full-blown crisis here – our major customer has just gone into administration. We need to address the workforce straightaway, and we need to front this up. We’ve got to ensure we don’t cause panic and worry or let rumours fly around with all this.”
Are you ready to speak?
Situations like the above can actually happen. When you are asked to speak, are you ready? Being able to grasp an opportunity when you’re put on the spot can make a huge difference to those crucial moments in your life and to your company.
While it may seem that some people can naturally keep their composure while public speaking, the truth is they look so comfortable because they have experience.
Most people think they will never or rarely ‘have to give a speech’.
But think again – as a Director or Senior Manager you will be called upon to speak on countless occasions to a variety of audiences. Public speaking for leaders can include full workforce addresses, major customer presentations, trade seminars, crisis presentations, change announcements, team briefings, awards receiving and giving, management meetings, pitching to investors, radio interviews, press statements, retirement presentations, keynote speeches, after-dinner business speeches, special events, podcast interviews, PowerPoint presentations and many more.
So, for those who may think, ‘Oh, I don’t need public speaking skills, I’ll never have to give a speech,’ think again! So many Directors and leaders that I have met and seen struggle with public speaking feel very uncomfortable and not confident with being put in front of groups of people and addressing them.
I can help you be ready to speak in public in any situation. Want to know more about my Public Speaking Courses for Directors?
Book a 15 minute discovery call
Find out more“Andrew is not only a fantastic storyteller, he has a gift of being able to teach others in such a way that it seems to be the most natural thing in the world.”
Gary Sander – Owner, Sander Consultancy
Powerful Public Speaking can help you become a better leader
Are you a Director who can call a meeting every day or week and motivate your team? Could you improve and be a more inspirational and influential Public Speaker?
As a Director, being able to speak and present memorably, powerfully and effectively is the single most important business skill I have learned. It has helped me to develop amazing relationships with customers, win massive amounts of business, be able to stand up and speak with no preparation in any business setting, with absolutely no qualms and with confidence that I can get my message across.
Now, arguably even more than ever, we need effective Directors who can lead by example and who can shine and radiate like beacons to their employees and peers. Leaders often have to persuade by changing minds and by winning hearts.
As a leader and a Director, it is crucial that you can motivate, inspire, encourage and empower your people through what you say, and get across yours and the company’s vision. You need to be able to portray self-confidence so that your people in turn feel confident and good about what you are trying to do and how you are leading and helping them.
Become a confident Public Speaker and inspire confidence in others
Your people, customers and stakeholders should be able to look to you as a symbol of reassurance and they should be absolutely confident in what you are saying and doing. Being able to communicate your message memorably and effectively will enable you to achieve this.
As a Director and a leader, you have to portray that you are capable in the eyes of your team and employees. You have to portray credibility, trustworthiness and integrity – if you do not get this across through the way you address groups of people you are on a sticky wicket.
Some Directors hate the idea of speaking in public or don’t like talking to groups – but it’s an essential part of the job. Some of us feel comfortable with public speaking or presenting in public, many of us don’t. And even those who are good can always get even better.
Being proficient at public speaking and presenting will enable you to be a better Director and leader, helping you to motivate your team. You will also feel more confident in yourself. So, public speaking really matters.
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Effective leaders speak and present with impact
I’m a great believer in leading from the front. Communication is so important for leaders, especially public speaking and many Directors dread doing this.
The best leaders, the best managers, the best motivators, the best at promoting their businesses, are those who can speak and present effectively in public. Not forgetting those who speak at conferences and events, and who have that amazing ability to wow and dazzle an audience.
Being able to speak and present to groups and have real impact is such an important skill to have in business. And the skills and techniques you use in public speaking are totally transferable and can be used in so many situations.
Find out more about how I can help you speak and present with impact. Book a 15-minute Discovery Call.